A step towards global multilateralism

June 25, 2024 - 20:20

TEHRAN - In an analysis, Siasat-e-Rooz discussed the gathering of the members of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue forum in Tehran and wrote: The Asian Cooperation Dialogue forum (ACD) in Tehran kicked off while the main focus of the participants in this meeting was to avoid the unilateralism of the West and embark on a broader approach to multilateralism based on global justice.

The regional structure centered on the eastern countries has taken many steps in recent years to end the destructive unilateralism of the West and reach global multilateralism, and the Tehran meeting after several BRICS and Shanghai meetings is an important step in that direction. According to experts in the field of foreign policy, holding the 19th meeting of foreign ministers of this forum in Tehran with the presence of a significant number of foreign ministers and senior officials of Asian countries after the martyrdom of Raisi and foreign minister and also on the eve of the 14th presidential election is of importance. It is very beneficial for Tehran and it shows the continuation of the dynamic and active diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the policy of looking to the East by strengthening the Asian identity in the framework of multilateral diplomacy.

Kayhan: The achievements of Raisi's government

In a commentary, Kayhan talked about Raisi's achievements and said: The important fact is that the 13th government will be a suitable and successful model for the 14th government. What needs to be recorded these days is experience and extracting a management model from the model that Raisi used and was able to move the country forward without delaying the country in dichotomies such as negotiation/opposition to negotiation, JCPOA/anti-JCPOA, and so on. The model of neutralizing sanctions was started by the government of Raisi. With the implementation of this model, the country's oil sales reached the highest level since the return of the sanctions, the currency price was controlled in such a way that the most important regional developments such as the Al-Aqsa storm and even the unprecedented operation of True Promise did not cause a fundamental change in it. Production and economic growth went from negative in the 12th government to over 4% in three consecutive years and the important, vital and geopolitical corridors of the country were placed one by one on the path of completion.

Jam-e-Jam: Continuity in the high position of the Islamic Republic in global equations

In a note, Jam-e-Jam investigated the importance of Iran's upcoming elections and wrote: At this stage of holding the elections, the Iranian society is ready to choose the most competent person with care and knowledge and allow the elected president to work for the pride and progress of Iran. The noteworthy point is that we are facing developments in the international arena that have increased Iranian-Islamic authority in the world arena more than in the past. The current developments show that in the occupied territories, the Palestinian people are suffering due to the criminal actions of the Zionist regime, but the resistance axis of Lebanon and Iraq support the Palestinians to stand up against the occupiers. A wave of awakening in support of the Palestinian people has started among American students and other western countries and people all over the world. All these factors have once again shown the importance of Iran in the international arena more than in the past. Of course, the president who relies on the position of executive management of the country, must pay attention to the position of the Islamic Republic in the global equation.

Ettelaat: Iran should not drop behind its competitors in the region

In an article, Ettelaat dealt with the developments in the region and the progress of Iran's neighboring rivals. It wrote: Iran's regional rivals, especially Turkey and the countries of the Persian Gulf have tried more than ever to create a precise and effective balance between their security and economic policies and advance their political-security goals in such a way that there is no harm and threat to their economy, technological growth, and tourism industry. It seems that these countries are willing to create a strategic balance with the Islamic Republic of Iran by developing relations between them. Although in recent years, these countries have shown the green light for developing relations and de-escalating tensions with Iran, at the same time, they are interested in creating many opportunities and options for their foreign relations in the region, and this will be an alarm for Iran's active role in the economic, political and security equations of the region. Therefore, if the Islamic Republic of Iran takes a different path, it will gradually become a losing and underdeveloped player.

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